專業(yè)英文名: Pharmacology -MSc
學 制:1.00 年
學 費:醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生科學
領(lǐng) 域:醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生科學
英國牛津大學藥理學理科碩士藥理學理科碩士的學制為一年,10月入學,次年9月結(jié)束,包含了三個學期(每學期10周)和一個夏季學期。第一學期涵蓋材料使用核心藥理學理科碩士,研討會和實踐工作,旨在確保所有學生獲得藥理學的原則和實踐的核心知識。第二學期則包含了更細致的研究。它由五個模塊組成,研究內(nèi)容從分子到生物體水平,并結(jié)合了大量的實踐工作。第三學期,學生主要針對他們的論文進行研究,這個學期將包含4個月的實驗工作。 The course is taught over one year from October to September, comprising three 10-week terms and a fourth summer term. The first term covers core material using lectures, seminars and practical work, and aims to ensure that all students have achieved the core knowledge of the principles and practice of pharmacology. The second term consists of more detailed study within a series of five modules spanning pharmacology from the molecular to the organism level, combined with extensive practical work which is written up and submitted each week. The third term is mainly taken up by research for a practical dissertation which is expected to involve four months of experimental work, extending throughout the term and into the long vacation term. The dissertation is written up and handed in to the examiners. Students also produce a poster presenting their research project which forms the basis for an oral examination.
英國牛津大學藥理學理科碩士課程入學要求: 1、提供合格的A-level或者IB成績,其中IB成績39分; 2、或者完成學校任何的預科課程的學習; 3、或者在國內(nèi)大學完成大一課程的學習。 4、英語要求:雅思成績7.5分(各單科不低于7.0);托福成績,總分110分,期中聽力低于22分,閱讀不低于24分,口語不低于25分,寫作不低于24分。 Applicants are normally expected to be predicted or have ac
英國牛津大學藥理學理科碩士課程就業(yè)方向: 畢業(yè)生可到制藥企業(yè)、精細化工、醫(yī)藥研究等部門從事藥品營銷,醫(yī)藥代表和藥政管理的工作,還可以到制藥廠和醫(yī)藥研究所從事各類藥物開發(fā)、研究、生產(chǎn)治療保證和合理用藥等方面的工作。 MSc students wishing to continue their studies apply for DPhil places in the UK and overseas. Others carry on to medical school, work for p
牛津大學 藥理學理科碩士