專業(yè)英文名: Master of Science in Applied Statistics
學 制:1.00 年
學 費:自然科學
領 域:自然科學
英國牛津大學應用統(tǒng)計學理科碩士應用統(tǒng)計學理科碩士旨在訓練學生解決現實世界中的統(tǒng)計問題。當完成應用統(tǒng)計學理科碩士,您應能夠選擇一個適當的統(tǒng)計方法來解決數據分析給定問題,并清晰和簡潔地展示結果。英國牛津大學應用統(tǒng)計學理科碩士應用統(tǒng)計學理科碩士旨在為學生配備計算技巧來進行分析和回答提出的問題。應用統(tǒng)計學理科碩士將在應用統(tǒng)計、計算統(tǒng)計數據和統(tǒng)計方法方面對學生進行廣泛而高級的培訓。 The MSc in Applied Statistics will aim to train you to solve real-world statistical problems. When completing the course you should be able to choose an appropriate statistical method to solve a given problem of data analysis and communicate your results clearly and succinctly. The course aims to equip you with the computational skills to carry through the analysis and answer the problem as presented. The MSc is designed to provide a broad but high-level training in applied statistics, computational statistics and statistical methods. These topics are taught through mathematically demanding lectures and problems classes. There is extensive hands-on experience of analysis of real data through practical classes. There is also a dissertation on an applied project. You will have approximately three months to work on your dissertation under the supervision of an academic in the department. You will be assessed on your performance in written examinations around May, through your work in the assessed practicals set throughout the year, and by the quality and depth of your dissertation.
英國牛津大學金融經濟學理科碩士課程入學要求: 1、提供合格的A-level或者IB成績,其中IB成績39分; 2、或者完成學校任何的預科課程的學習; 3、或者在國內大學完成大一課程的學習。 4、英語要求:雅思成績7.5分(各單科不低于7.0);托福成績,總分110分,期中聽力低于22分,閱讀不低于24分,口語不低于25分,寫作不低于24分。 An undergraduate degree, equivalent to: 1st or 2.1
英國牛津大學應用統(tǒng)計學理科碩士課程就業(yè)方向: 畢業(yè)生可以在金融,經濟,政府,科學和工業(yè)領域發(fā)展事業(yè)。大約有三分之一的學生選擇繼續(xù)博士深造。 Graduates of the MSc in Applied Statistics find employment in financial, economic, governmental, scientific and industrial areas. The MSc can also be a useful stepping stone fo
牛津大學 應用統(tǒng)計學理科碩士