專業(yè)英文名: MS in Epidemiology and Human Genetics(Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine)
學 制:2.00 年
學 費:自然科學
領 域:自然科學
The Master of Science Program prepares graduates to enter positions in local, regional, and state health agencies where they address public health issues and assist with research on the distribution and determinants of disease and disabilities. Located in the School of Medicine, this degree program provides special interdisciplinary opportunities and research experience. Master’s students are introduced to the key aspects of epidemiology and preventive medicine. They acquire epidemiological and biostatistical skills to formulate and test hypotheses and begin research in an area of public health concern. They gain individual experience in analyzing, reporting, and presenting data. Applicants should have a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field with at least a 3.0 GPA. Knowledge of college algebra and biology is required with courses in physiology, calculus, chemistry, computing, statistics and other quantitative sciences recommended. The degree program requires a minimum of 36 graduate credit hours, including 26 required credits and 10 credits from elective courses at the 600 level or above, including the option of 6 credits of Master’s Thesis Research. Students who complete the Master of Science in Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine will have received an introduction to various aspects of the field of preventive medicine, beginning skills in epidemiologic and biostatistical approaches to formulating research hypotheses which can be tested, and experience in analyzing and preparing written reports on data related to a public health concern.
An overall GPA of 3.0 IELTS test takers must score no less than Band 6.5 for BSN or Band 7 for MS (total). Minimum TOEFL scores to be considered for admission are 550 on the paper-based examination, 213 on the computer-based examination, and 79 on the Internet-based examination.
Required Courses PREV 600 Principles of Epidemiology (3) PREV 619 Biostatistical Computing (2) PREV 620 Principles of Biostatistics (3) PREV 648 Health Care Administration and Evaluation (3) PREV 659 Observational Studies in Epidemiology (3) PREV 668 Environmental and Occupational Health (3) PREV 720 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (4) PREV 747 Research Practicum I (3) PREV 748 Research Practicum II (2)
馬里蘭大學巴爾的摩分校 傳染病學與人類基因?qū)W理科碩士(傳染病學與預防醫(yī)學)