專業(yè)英文名: MA in Audio Technology
學 制:2.00 年
學 費:創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)學
領(lǐng) 域:創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)學
美國美利堅大學公共健康理學學士課程是一種專注于科學健康層面的跨學科的課程。這個58學時的課程適合那些對傳染病和慢性病,環(huán)境健康及流行性病學感興趣的學生就讀。美國美利堅大學公共健康理學學士的學生將會在疾病控制及預防中心的公共健康研究所工作,制定疫苗接種條款,或類似的環(huán)境中進行培訓。畢業(yè)生也可選擇在許多不同的健康學領(lǐng)域繼續(xù)學業(yè),如綜合醫(yī)療保健、公共健康或醫(yī)學。 The public health bachelor of science degree is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the scientific dimensions of health. The 58 credit hour BS is the degree of choice for someone who is interested in studying infectious and chronic diseases, environmental health, and epidemiology. Graduates will be trained to work in public health research, at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), developing vaccination protocols, or in a similar environment. Graduates will also be well positioned to continue their education in a number of different health areas, such as allied health, public health, or medicine.
美國美利堅大學公共健康理學學士入學要求: 學術(shù)要求:高中畢業(yè),成績優(yōu)秀,GPA不低于3分; 語言要求:雅思總分不低于6.5分,單項不低于6分,托??偡植坏陀?0分,單項不低于20分。 Freshman applicants should have demonstrated above average performance in their college preparatory courses in secondary school. Scores on the SAT or ACT should indicate that the applicant has the potential for success in a rigorous university degree program. Due to the quantitative emphasis of the business administration curriculum, it is strongly recommended that applicants take the SAT II Math test for placement purposes. 美利堅大學文理學院公共健康理學專業(yè)申請材料: 畢業(yè)證、學位證掃描件; 成績單(在校成績、語言成績); 個人陳述; 銀行存款證明; 翻譯件(所有中文申請材料的翻譯件,并加蓋公章); 2-3封推薦信; 簡歷。
美國美利堅大學公共健康理學學士課程設置: 普通生物學 I(4學分),普通生物學 II(4學分),生物倫理學(3學分),公共健康概論(3學分),流行性病學基本原理(3學分),公共健康實習(3學分),基礎(chǔ)統(tǒng)計學(4學分),基礎(chǔ)微積分統(tǒng)計學(4學分),生物統(tǒng)計學(3學分) ?BIO-110 General Biology I FA5 (4) ?BIO-210 General Biology II FA5 (4) ?PHIL-241 Bioethics (3) ?PUBH-110 Introduction to Public Health FA4 (3) ?PUBH-320 Introduction to Infectious Disease (4) ?PUBH-340 Fundamentals of Epidemiology (3) ?PUBH-391 Internship in Public Health (3) ?PUBH-480 Public Health Capstone (3) ?STAT-202 Basic Statistics (4) ?STAT-203 Basic Statistics with Calculus (4) ?STAT-320 Biostatistics (3)
美利堅大學 音頻技術(shù)文學碩士