
指南者留學 2022-03-02 08:08:52





專業(yè)英文名: Chemical Engineering MEng

學   制:2.00 年

學   費:工程技術學




領   域:工程技術學



美國德州農工大學化學工程學工程碩士課程要求學生完成最少30學分。其中26學分必須是正式課程。這些正式的課程分為兩類:必修課程和選修課程。美國德州農工大學化學工程學工程碩士課程要求所有的碩士學生必須完成:化工過程分析(3分)熱力學在化學工程中的應用(3分);化工動力學和反應器設計(3);傳輸現象(3);研討會(2),余下12學分的正式課程通常為四個3學分的課程。 選修課必須是正式的由研究生導師批準的研究生水平的課程。 The Master of Engineering degree requires a minimum of 30 semester credit hours of approved courses. Of those hours, a minimum of 26 credit hours must be formal course work. These formal courses are classified into two categories: required courses and electives. The following are the required 14 hours of courses that all MEng students must complete: CHEN 604: Chemical Engineering Process Analysis (3) CHEN 623: Applications of Thermodynamics to Chemical Engineering (3) CHEN 624: Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design (3) CHEN 629: Transport Phenomena (3) CHEN 681: Seminar (2) Total Credits: 14 “core” credits The remaining 12 credit hours of formal course work (typically four, three-credit courses) are subject to the following restrictions: The electives must be formal graduate-level courses and should be approved by the Graduate Advisor. In special cases, up to three credit hours of advanced undergraduate level courses may be included. At least three hours of credit must be for courses taken outside the Department of Chemical Engineering. Graduate courses completed at other institutions and passed with a grade of B or better may be used towards satisfying the departmental electives. With approval of the Graduate Advisor, up to nine credit hours may be transferred from other institutions. These courses cannot have been used towards another degree. Only technical (science or engineering) courses can satisfy these requirements. Graduate courses cannot be retaken for credit The electives courses are usually technical (science or engineering) courses, however, one alternative for the MEng degree is to take the appropriate classes for obtaining a business certificate (


美國德州農工大學化學工程學工程碩士課程入學要求: 學術要求: 大學本科畢業(yè),擁有學士學位 語言要求:雅思總分不低于6分,托福總分不低于80分 美國德州農工大學化學工程學工程碩士課程申請材料: 畢業(yè)證、學位證掃描件 成績單(在校成績、語言成績) 個人陳述 銀行存款證明 翻譯件(所有中文申請材料的翻譯件,并加蓋公章) 2-3封推薦信


美國德州農工大學化學工程學工程碩士課程設置: 化工過程分析,熱力學在化學工程中的應用,化工動力學和反應器設計,傳輸現象,研討會。 The following are the required 14 hours of courses that all MEng students must complete: CHEN 604: Chemical Engineering Process Analysis (3) CHEN 623: Applications of Thermodynamics to Chemical Engineering (3) CHEN 624: Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design (3) CHEN 629: Transport Phenomena (3) CHEN 681: Seminar (2)


美國德州農工大學化學工程學工程碩士課程就業(yè)方向: 學生畢業(yè)后可在化學工程和相關領域工作,如研究分子生物、納米技術的公司,以及研究化學、物理、數學,以及信息技術的機構等。 

德州農工大學 化學工程學工程碩士



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