
指南者留學 2022-02-21 08:06:12





專業(yè)英文名: Information: Strategy and Economics - MBA

學   制:2.00 年

學   費:商業(yè)管理學




領   域:商業(yè)管理學



賓夕法尼亞大學戰(zhàn)略領域正在不斷成為公司變化所面對的競爭環(huán)境。而我們在這一領域的知識也需要保持進步。美國賓夕法尼亞大學信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士課程為學生從事戰(zhàn)略管理方面的職位奠定基礎,信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士以信息為焦點,這才推動了課程的發(fā)展,學習信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士的學生不學習技術,也不需要定量分析。 美國賓夕法尼亞大學信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士課程是獨立存在的,但是學生也會在該系學習到大部分課程。 美國賓夕法尼亞大學信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士學制為2年。 The field of strategy is constantly evolving as the competitive environment facing firms changes, and as our knowledge of the field evolves to keep pace. One of the most significant changes has been the dramatic improvement in the information endowments, or “states of informedness,” enjoyed by the firm, its customers, and its competitors. The discipline of Information Strategy and Economics has emerged to deal with changes in information endowments and their impact on strategy, and it provides an excellent foundation for careers in strategic management, both within the firm and as consultants in strategic management. Its courses are motivated by its focus on information as a driver of strategy, hence its location in the OPIM Department, but it does not study technology nor does it have the quantitative analysis focus of the rest of the OPIM Department. ISE is a major in its own right, but most of its courses also can be applied toward the major in Strategy in the Management department.


美國賓夕法尼亞大學信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士課程入學要求: 學術要求: 1.大學畢業(yè); 2.通過GMAT或者GRA(含考試申請); 語言要求:雅思不低于7分;托福不低于100分;(在英語國家已獲得碩士學位可免除這一項) 其他要求:信用卡支付265美元申請費用; The minimum requirements to apply to the MBA program include: Completion of an undergraduate program in an accredited U.S. college or its equivalent in another country. Results of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Submission of the Wharton application. Results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) unless you have earned an undergraduate or Master’s degree in an English-speaking country or from an institution in which English is the language of instruction. To waive the TOEFL, you must include a letter requesting the waiver in your application AND documentation that your education was in English. Testing We require ALL applicants to take the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) or the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations). Recommendations, Interviews, Fees, etc. A non-refundable application fee of $265, paid by credit card, must accompany this application. 美國賓夕法尼亞大學信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士申請材料: 畢業(yè)證、學位證掃描件/在讀證明 成績單(在校成績、語言成績) 個人陳述 銀行存款證明 翻譯件(所有中文申請材料的翻譯件,并加蓋公章) 2-3封推薦信


美國賓夕法尼亞大學信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士課程設置: 信息:產(chǎn)業(yè)結構和競爭戰(zhàn)略,信息戰(zhàn)略高級專題,市場營銷研究,渠道管理,競爭戰(zhàn)略與產(chǎn)業(yè)結構,管理企業(yè)間聯(lián)盟,組織變革管理,戰(zhàn)略實施,管理經(jīng)濟學和博弈論,運營管理:供應鏈管理,服務運作管理,經(jīng)營轉型,電信專業(yè)技術與競爭戰(zhàn)略等。 OPIM 666 Information: Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy (.5 cu) OPIM 669 Advanced Topics in Information Strategy MKTG 756 Marketing Research MKTG 776 Applied Probability Models in Marketing MKTG 777 Marketing Strategy MKTG 759 Channel Management (.5 cu) MGMT 711 Competitive Strategy and Industry Structure MGMT 712 Managing Interfirm Alliances (.5 cu) MGMT 773 Managing Organizational Change MGMT 782 Strategic Implementation MGMT 784 Managerial Economics and Game Theory OPIM 632 Operations Management: Supply Chain Management (.5 cu) OPIM 658 Service Operations Management OPIM 667 Business Transformation (.5 cu) OPIM 668 Telecommunications Technology and Competitive Strategy (.5 cu) OPIM 669 Special Topics In Information, Strategy, and Economics OPIM 670 Special Topics in Information Systems: Simulation and Dynamic Competitive Strategy OPIM 676 Electronic Markets (.5 cu) OPIM 677 Business Models and the Internet: Strategy, Operations, Information (.5 cu) OPIM 691 Negotiations OPIM 899 Independent Study in Information Strategy (Can be advised by faculty members in OPIM, Marketing, Management, or Finance, as appropriate to student needs.) (.5 cu or 1.0 cu)



賓夕法尼亞大學 信息戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟學工商管理碩士



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